FPOM Task Group- Zinc

Zinc files
TDA zinc results R2092526-GEN-RK
Zinc Ratio final
111909 Galvanized Grating Memo
091006 Zinc-Conc
091006 Zinc status plan
081204 Zinc status plan
071011 Zinc in Fish Ladders GF

Supplemental Information
1994 A Comparison of Metal Leachate Rate and Zebra
071017 H20QUAL97
071105 Galv Fact Sheet
091006 Zn Galv Fact Sheet
091006 current_zm_quag_map
091006 Presentation on US Bureau of Rec experience with invasive mussels in the West
091006 Zinc and salmon avoidance
Zinc and salmon avioidance
Zn Galv Fact Sheet